Batch - non interactive command line application
Tandem app

App ID: qwx1.expanse.choonhan.tandem.all | Version main_17c42dc9ae0ec519d cc1b5732681b2e4054666f1

Status: Enabled

Owner: choonhan


Tandem 2D



Tandem implements the Symmetric Interior Penalty Galerkin (SIPG) method using unstructured simplicial meshes for solving sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip (SEAS). SEAS models capture the entire earthquake cycle, i.e. tectonic loading, nucleation, rupture, and afterslip, within one physical modeling framework (Erickson et al., 2020).  In SEAS models, a fault is idealized as an infinitesimally thin fault surface embedded in linear elastic media, and on-fault behavior is described via laboratory-derived rate and state friction laws. The potential benefits of using SIPG method for SEAS models lies in its geometric flexibility, its high-order approximation spaces, and its natural ability to deal with discontinuities.


  • Solver for quasi-static SEAS problems in 2D and 3D
  • High-order discontinuous Galerkin finite element method
  • Unstructured triangle (2D) and tetrahedral (3d) meshes
  • Curvilinear representation of boundary
  • Sub-element material parameter resolution
  • Native support for GMSH .msh file format version 2 (including high-order meshes)
  • Efficient matrix-free and assembly kernels for many CPU and GPU architectures
  • Hybrid geometric multigrid solvers for large-scale 3D computations
  • Scalable on distributed memory architectures
  • Supports computation of discrete Green's functions


GitHub tandem source code repository 


The method and implementation are described in the following paper

Uphoff, C., May, D.A. and Gabriel, A.A., 2023. A discontinuous Galerkin method for sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip on multiple faults using unstructured curvilinear grids. Geophysical Journal International233(1), pp.586-626.


If you use tandem via the Quakeworx gateway, please cite the following publications

Uphoff, C., May, D.A. and Gabriel, A.A., 2023. A discontinuous Galerkin method for sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip on multiple faults using unstructured curvilinear grids. Geophysical Journal International233(1), pp.586-626.


Tandem 3D



Tandem implements the Symmetric Interior Penalty Galerkin (SIPG) method using unstructured simplicial meshes for solving sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip (SEAS). SEAS models capture the entire earthquake cycle, i.e. tectonic loading, nucleation, rupture, and afterslip, within one physical modeling framework (Erickson et al., 2020).  In SEAS models, a fault is idealized as an infinitesimally thin fault surface embedded in linear elastic media, and on-fault behavior is described via laboratory-derived rate and state friction laws. The potential benefits of using SIPG method for SEAS models lies in its geometric flexibility, its high-order approximation spaces, and its natural ability to deal with discontinuities.


  • Solver for quasi-static SEAS problems in 2D and 3D
  • High-order discontinuous Galerkin finite element method
  • Unstructured triangle (2D) and tetrahedral (3d) meshes
  • Curvilinear representation of boundary
  • Sub-element material parameter resolution
  • Native support for GMSH .msh file format version 2 (including high-order meshes)
  • Efficient matrix-free and assembly kernels for many CPU and GPU architectures
  • Hybrid geometric multigrid solvers for large-scale 3D computations
  • Scalable on distributed memory architectures
  • Supports computation of discrete Green's functions


GitHub tandem source code repository 


The method and implementation are described in the following paper

Uphoff, C., May, D.A. and Gabriel, A.A., 2023. A discontinuous Galerkin method for sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip on multiple faults using unstructured curvilinear grids. Geophysical Journal International233(1), pp.586-626.


If you use tandem via the Quakeworx gateway, please cite the following publications

Uphoff, C., May, D.A. and Gabriel, A.A., 2023. A discontinuous Galerkin method for sequences of earthquakes and aseismic slip on multiple faults using unstructured curvilinear grids. Geophysical Journal International233(1), pp.586-626.