
  1. Permissions
  2. Create a new publication
  3. See your publications
  4. Edit your publication
  5. Delete your publication
  6. Submit your publication for review


  • All users, including anonymous users can view a list of published publications and see the following information:
    • Authors (ORCID if provided)
    • Description
    • DOI
    • Publication type
    • Published date
    • Related info
    • Title
    • Version
  • Users with “Publication creator” role can…
    • create new publication
    • edit and delete their own publication
    • clone a publication
    • add keywords but cannot edit or delete existing keywords
    • Change the publication state from Draft (default) to Review
  • Users who have “Editor” role can…
    • Review publications
    • Change a publication state (ie Review -> Published)
    • View any unpublished content
    • Update (edit, delete) any publication media
    • View, delete or revert any publication revisions

Create a new publication

Note: by default, new publications are created with “Draft” status.  If your new publication entry is ready to be reviewed by an editor who can approve it to be published, then change the status to “Review”

  1. Click on “Publications” in the upper navigation menu
  2. Click on “Add publication”
  3. Required fields have an asterisk: Title, Type, Version, Description, and at least 1 author
  4. Be sure to click on the "Save" button at the bottom when done

See your publications

Note: your publications will include both published and unpublished entries

  1. Click on the left menu Publications -> My publications

Edit your publication

Note: every edit saved will create a new revision

  1. Click on the left menu Publications -> My publications
  2. Select the publication you wish to edit
  3. Click on “Edit” tab at the top (note, you will not be able to edit the publication once it has been published)
  4. Be sure to click on the “Save” button at the bottom once done

Delete your publication

  1. Click on the left menu Publications -> My publications
  2. Select the publication you wish to delete
  3. Click on “Delete” tab at the top (note, you will not be able to delete the publication once it has been published)

Submit your publication for review

  1. Edit your publication (see above)
  2. At the bottom, change from “Draft” to “Review”
  3. Click on Save button