HFQsim is an earthquake simulator to study the partitioning of seismic/aseismic slip and dynamics of earthquakes on a Heterogeneous strike-slip Fault (HFQsim) using a generalized model of a discrete strike-slip fault governed by static/dynamic friction and creep in an elastic half-space. The simulator includes feedback between frictional heat generated by earthquake slip and subsequent creep slip on the fault. HFQsim generates multiple realistic features of earthquakes (e.g., frequency-size statistics, spatio-temporal clustering including aftershock sequences, heterogeneous slip patterns).
Zhou, X., and Y. Ben-Zion (2025), A simulator of earthquakes and aseismic slip on a heterogeneous fault (HFQsim) with static/kinetic friction and temperature dependent creep, J. Geophys. Res., in review.