All apps
List of curated apps available on this site. Curated apps are maintained and supported by the Quakeworx project team.
About Apps and Jobs: Apps are software applications that are configured to be executed on a predefined compute system. Launching an App creates a Job that stores its configuration and state.
About Apps and Jobs: Apps are software applications that are configured to be executed on a predefined compute system. Launching an App creates a Job that stores its configuration and state.
batch app / Executable
ver. 0.1.0
system. AWS System (EC2)
Simple calculator with few operands
batch app / Executable
ver. 0.1.0
system. Expanse service
Simple calculator with few operands
batch app / Executable
ver. 1.0.0
system. Expanse service
HFQsim Application
web app / Docker
ver. 0.1.0
system. AWS System (EC2)
Jupyter Notebook running on AWS (EC2) instance.
web app / Singularity
ver. 0.1.0
system. Expanse service
Jupyter Notebook running on Expanse
vnc app / Docker
ver. 0.1.0
system. AWS System (EC2)
A VNC app for accessing a Linux Desktop.
batch app / Executable
ver. main_17c42dc9ae0ec519d cc1b5732681b2e4054666f1
system. Expanse service
Tandem app
batch app / Executable
ver. 069e27e-t
system. Expanse service
UCERF3 ETAS Application
web app / Singularity
ver. 0.1.0
system. Expanse service
UCVM 22.7 with CVM-H and ucvm_plotting
web app / Docker
ver. 0.1.0
system. AWS System (EC2)
Test UCVM Notebook