
  1. Chourasia, A., Youn, C., Silva, F., Olsen, B., Zhao, C., Yun, J., Maechling, P. J., May, D. A., Elbanna, A. E., Gabriel, A.-A., & Ben-Zion, Y. (2024, October 8). Quakeworx science gateway: A custom instance of OneSciencePlace. Science Gateways 2024 (SG24), Bozeman, MT.
  2. D. Li, A.-A. Gabriel, (2023), Linking 3D long-term slow-slip cycle models with rupture dynamics: the nucleation of the 2014 Mw 7.3 Guerrero, Mexico earthquakeAGU Advances, 5, e2023AV000979, doi:10.1029/2023AV000979, 2024. EOS Editor's highlight
  3. A.-A. Gabriel, D.I. Garagash, K.H. Palgunadi, P.M. Mai. Fault-size dependent fracture energy explains multi-scale seismicity and cascading earthquakesScience, 385, eadj9587 (2024). doi:10.1126/science.adj9587. SIO media release 
  4. B. Li, A.-A. Gabriel, G. Hillers (2024), Source Properties of the Induced  0.0–1.8 Earthquakes from Local Beamforming and Backprojection in the Helsinki Area, Southern FinlandSeismological Research Lettersdoi:10.1785/0220240122 
  5. J.W.C. Wong, W. Fan, A. A. Gabriel (2024). "A quantitative comparison and validation of finite-fault models: The 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,  129, e2024JB029212. doi:10.1029/2024JB029212 
  6. J. Biemiller, A.-A. Gabriel, D.A. May, L. Staisch (2024). "Subduction zone geometry modulates the megathrust earthquake cycle: magnitude, recurrence, and variability", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2024JB029191,
  7. J.N. Hayek, M. Marchandon, D. Li, L. Pousse-Beltrand, J. Hollingsworth, T. Li, A.-A. Gabriel (2024), Non-typical supershear rupture: fault heterogeneity and segmentation govern unilateral supershear and cascading multi-fault rupture in the 2021 Mw7.4 Maduo EarthquakeGeophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL110128. doi:10.1029/2024GL110128.
  8. S.A. Wirp, A.-A. Gabriel, T. Ulrich, S. Lorito (2024) Dynamic rupture modeling of large earthquake scenarios at the Hellenic Arc toward physics-based seismic and tsunami hazard assessmentJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2024JB029320. doi:10.1029/2024JB029320 
  9. F. Kutschera, Z. Jia, B. Oryan, J.W.C. Wong, W. Fan, A.-A. Gabriel (2024), Rapid earthquake-tsunami modeling: The multi-event, multi-segment complexity of the 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto Peninsula Earthquake governs tsunami generationGeophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL109790, doi:10.1029/2024GL109790 
  10. P.A. Inchin, Y. Kaneko, A.-A. Gabriel, T. Ulrich, L. Martire, A. Komjathy, J. Aguilar Guerrero, M.D. Zettergren, J.B. Snively (2024). "Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Coseismic Atmospheric Dynamics and Ionospheric Responses in Slant Total Electron Content Observations", Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL108068. doi:10.1029/2023GL108068 
  11.  Oryan, Bar, Jean-Arthur Olive, Romain Jolivet, Luca C. Malatesta, Boris Gailleton, and Lucile Bruhat, Megathrust locking encoded in subduction landscapesScience Advances, 10, no. 17 (2024): eadl4286.
  12. Zhao, C., M. S. Mia, A. Elbanna, and Y. Ben-Zion, 2024. Dynamic Rupture Modeling in a Complex Fault Zone with Distributed and Localized Damage, Mechanics of Materials, 198, 105139. doi:10.1016/j.mechmat.2024.105139.


Conference presentations

  1. Chourasia, A., C. Youn, F. Silva, B. Olsen, C. Zhao, J. Yun, N. Tainpakdipat, P. Maechling, D. May, A. Elbanna, A. Gabriel and Y. Ben-Zion, 2024. Quakeworx: A New Science Gateway for Earthquake Simulation and Data Analysis. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, D.C.
  2. Gesing, S., C. Stirm, A. Chourasia, 2024. Science Gateways, QuakeWorx, and MyGeoHub: Collaborative Platforms for Seismic and Geospatial Discovery. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, D.C.
  3. Zhou, X. and Y. Ben-Zion, 2024. A Simulator of Earthquakes and aseismic slip on a Heterogeneous strike-slip Fault (HFQsim) with static/kinetic friction and temperature-dependent creep, Annual meeting of the Statewide California Earthquake Center, Sep 2024.
  4. B. Oryan, A.-A. Gabriel, D.A. May (2024, 09), Breaking the elastic mold: The effect of upper plate permanent deformation on earthquake cycles, 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA.
  5. J. Yun, A.-A. Gabriel, D.A. May, and Y. Fialko (2024, 09). "Controls of Dynamic and Static Stress Changes and Aseismic Slip on Delayed Earthquake Triggering in Rate-and-State Simulations of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence”, Annual meeting of the Statewide California Earthquake Center, Palm Springs, CA.
  6. Chourasia, A., A. Elbanna, A.-A. Gabriel and Y. Ben-Zion, “Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Quakeworx - An Extensible Software Framework for Earthquake Simulations.” Presented at the NSF CSSI PI Meeting, Charlotte, NC, Aug 12, 2024, figshare, doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.26741017.v1.
  7. B Oryan, A.-A. Gabriel, D.A. May (2024, 06), The role of off-fault interseismic permanent deformation on earthquake cycles, Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Motions: Waves and Ruptures, Smolenice, Slovakia.
  8. J. Yun, Y. Fialko, A.-A. Gabriel, D.A. May (2024, 06). "Rate-and-State Simulations of the Delayed Dynamic Triggering of the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Mainshock by Nearby Foreshocks”, Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Motions: Waves and Ruptures, Smolenice, Slovakia.
  9. J. Yun, Y. Fialko, A.-A. Gabriel (2023, 12). The Effect of Stress and Friction Heterogeneity on Complexity of Seismic and Aseismic Slip on Strike-Slip Faults, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, San Fransisco, CA.
  10. J. Yun, Y. Fialko, A.-A. Gabriel (2023, 09). The Effect of Stress and Friction Heterogeneity on Complexity of Seismic and Aseismic Slip on Strike-Slip Faults. 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA.
  11. Chourasia, A., Maechling, P. J., Ramesh, S., May, D. A., Elbanna, A. E., Gabriel, A., & Ben-Zion, Y. (2023, 09). Quakeworx – A New Science Gateway Framework For Earthquake Simulations. 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting. Abstract  Poster PDF


Preprints, Papers in press, and submitted papers  

  1. J. Yun, A.-A. Gabriel, D.A. May, and Y. Fialko (2024). Controls of Dynamic and Static Stress Changes and Aseismic Slip on Delayed Earthquake Triggering in Rate-and-State Simulations of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, doi:10.31223/X55983
  2. F. Mosconi, E. Tinti, E. Casarotti, A.-A. Gabriel, A.P. Rinaldo, L. Dal Zilio, M. Cocco, (2024) Modeling the 3D dynamic rupture of microearthquakes induced by fluid injection, in review, DOI: 10.22541/essoar.171926490.05456326/v1 
  3. N. Schliwa, A.-A. Gabriel, J. Premus, F. Gallovič. (2024) The linked complexity of coseismic and postseismic faulting revealed by seismo-geodetic dynamic inversion of the 2004 Parkfield earthquake, JGR - Solid Earth, in press, preprint: doi:10.31223/X5FT47 
  4. C. Becerril, A. Sladen, J.-P. Ampuero, P.J. Vidal-Moreno, M. Gonzalez-Herraez, F. Kutschera, A.-A. Gabriel, and F. Bouchette,(2024) Towards tsunami early-warning with Distributed Acoustic Sensing: Expected seafloor strains induced by tsunamis, under revision, preprint: doi:10.22541/essoar.171052484.46251426/v1
  5. O. Rojas, M. Monterrubio-Velasco, J.E. Rodriguez, S. Callaghan, C. Abril, B. Halldorson, M. Kowsari, F. Bayat, K. Olsen, A.-A. Gabriel, J. de la Puente, 2024. CyberShake Earthquake Fault Rupture Modeling and Ground Motion Simulations for the Southwest Iceland Transform Zone, BSSA, in press, preprint: doi:10.48550/arXiv.2404.01533
  6. Zhou, X. and Y. Ben-Zion, 2024. A Simulator of Earthquakes and aseismic slip on a Heterogeneous strike-slip Fault (HFQsim) with static/kinetic friction and temperature-dependent creepJ. GeophysRes., in review.
  7. Zhao, C., M. S. Mia, A. Elbanna, and Y. Ben-Zion, 2024. Dynamic Rupture Modeling in a Complex Fault Zone with Distributed and Localized Damage, Mechanics of Materials, 198, 105139.